Thursday, February 7, 2008


Puppies are hard work. After having had very little sleep last night I spent the day chasing after the latest addition to our family and trying to make sure the other dog I'm minding didn't get too jealous. I imagine what I'm currently experiencing is a less intense version of what it would be like to look after a newborn baby - except that babies don't have sharp teeth.

I really don't feel like staying awake beyond the next fifteen minutes so tonight's post is going to be short. I'm dog-sitting for another day and a half so once the weekend comes daily life probably won't be such a tiresome ordeal for me. Then I'll have more energy and be able to sit at the computer for hours on end every night, diligently posting about my failed attempts to find a female companion. And hopefully a successful attempt in the near future.


Cece said...

Hope you get a nap!

kylie said...

hey babe,
are you in sydney?
your tone is're doing much less "woe is me"
it's a good thing
btw...introspection is a good thing too, just be gentle on yourself