Sunday, February 3, 2008


I've been thinking about the sort of things I've written about over the past few weeks and I'm starting to wonder whether I sound like I'm stuck in high school, chasing girls and worrying about what people think of me. It's true, that's what I was like in high school, pining over one particular girl and spending far too much time concerning myself with what people thought of me. For the most part, however, I didn't let that get in the way of the rest of my life. Now, in my mid-twenties, I'm concerned that I haven't grown up as much as I should have since then. While I'm certainly not living the hedonistic life of an eternal teenager, I don't think I've outgrown my teenage flaws and insecurities yet.

Every year, more and more people who graduated from school years after I did are getting married, becoming doctors and lawyers or whatever they've decided to do with their lives. I just don't understand why I'm not moving on. I'm not comparing myself to people in a keeping-up-with-the-Joneses type of way, just as a frame of reference. I don't begrudge anyone their success, I just don't know why I've arrested the progress of my life and have, for so long now, remained static.

I don't want to get into it too deeply right now; the main thing I wanted to get across tonight - and it seemed I got more than a little side-tracked on the way - was that I hope I'm not coming across as extremely immature. All this talk of 'I like this girl but she doesn't like me...' is most at home in the hallways of a high school and I don't want to come across as vacuous. I realise there are far bigger issues worthy of discussion so please don't think I spend my days recycling these thoughts in my head. It's just that whenever I sit down to write a post, that's what comes out. Like I think I mentioned once before, for a little while at least, blogging is going to be my therapy.


Cece said...

And you have a world full of psycotherapists without degrees! Mid twenties? Sweetheart, you are still young. You still have time to decide what you want to be when you grow up. Shoot, I'm in my early 30's and still not sure what I truly want to be when I grow up. Maybe we never have to grow up. I kind of like young living. I love bike riding with my 6 year olds, I enjoy the beach, disney movies, and a good game of hide and seek. Enjoy your life while you are young and save the worring for when you get old, if that day ever comes. And I pray, it never will.

kylie said...

this is what i was trying to say to you before....we all keep feeling this stuff as we mature (at least i do) but we just hide it.
thank goodness for anonymity, eh?
oops, you're anonymous but i'm not, ah well.....cest la vie
and there's nothing wrong with therapeutic blogging
take care