Saturday, February 16, 2008


The last couple of posts have been a struggle for me. While I'm determined to write a post every day for as long as possible, I really haven't felt like sitting down at the keyboard for the last couple of nights. Hence my two most recent posts have been short and rather frivolous - posts for the sake of posts. I've put the list of future post topics (the one I made the other day) aside for the time being because my heart's not in it at the moment. I think I just need to give myself couple of days to get motivated again.

So far this blog has been a pretty positive experience for me - I've been able to unburden myself of some of the baggage I've been carrying around with me for a long time and I'm now starting to think about things in a more constructive way (instead of thinking myself in circles).

I've still got a lot more to say but need to find the desire and energy to say it.


Kookaburra said...

Take a break from blogging for a couple of days. We've all done it. You need time out occasionally to 'recharge the batteries'. We'll understand & be here when you come back.

kylie said...

i'm with mark....
take time off, or just keep posting for the sake of it. we don't mind if you're not saying much. Have you read me lately? i'm often compelled to write and don't have much to say but i do it for myself above all so i do what i feel like. this blogging community are a positive bunch and want the best for each other so you're safe whatever you do.
take care