Monday, March 24, 2008


Just breathe. Relax. That's what I've got to keep telling myself. I really don't know why I'm making such a big deal over something that really isn't. The thing is, I'm now anxious about being rejected and being accepted. It's as if it doesn't matter what happens, I won't be happy either way. Talk about a pessimistic attitude.

I'm just going to follow the sage advice I've been offered (via comments posted on this blog by various people - thank you) and not think too much. I don't think I'll ever get better advice than that. After yesterday's post and a rather restless night's sleep I have decided that it's really not worth worrying about. And I should really try to apply that same advice across the board and live my life without constant second-guessing and analysis. I'll let you know how that works out.


kylie said...

and i'll be waiting to see how you're going

Kookaburra said...

. . . me too

kylie said...

when are you coming back?
i miss ya