Wednesday, January 9, 2008


I'm not yet ready to end my streak of writing a new post every day but my brain just doesn't want to work right now. It's sort of cheating to write a post about not being able to write a post but, at least in my mind, it's better than writing nothing at all. It shows that I'm committed to posting every day, at least until the end of January. Maybe I can relax the rules a little after living within them for a month. It sounds reasonable. In the meantime: this concludes today's bland entry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey muser,
I started blogging on December 19, 2007. Just like you I wanted to post 1 post every day - a la 1pic.
My posts are in no way as introspective as yours if you will pardon me for saying so. Just random posts of whatever is uppermost in my thoughts on any given day. I too am struggling to post stuff every day . . . and tonight I was going to chuck it all in; at least for a couple of days. But I didn't. A chance remark gave me the idea for the comment that I posted on my blog tonight.
I think it was good for you to be with friends playing Trivial Pursuit with your friends. It probably took you out of yourself if you get my drift. Keep writing there's something there waiting to be set free. I will again post this anonymously; just like I did a couple of days ago. If I have piqued your interest just ask me to reveal myself via your post. Remember, don't quit.