Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Blog

In the absence of a more meaningful post I just wrote an entry about the nature of blogging. An entry I hastily deleted after deciding that I don't know enough about blogging to write about it. It all came about because today I spent a few hours trolling the internet for blogs of interest and started thinking about the whole blogging phenomenon and how I am now one of the many millions of people who regularly contribute to a blog. That's kind of cool.

I hadn't given my blog that much thought. It more or less only exists because I made a commitment to myself to write every day and, since I'd never blogged before, I thought it might be worth a try. I don't know whether it's the novelty of the process or that daily writing is something that I enjoy doing, but so far I haven't tired of it yet. Not like years ago when I tried to keep a journal - I think that only lasted a few days. While this obviously isn't a journal it's similar in that it's somewhere I've been able to write down whatever I'm thinking (instead of just filing it away like I used to do). It's a little like therapy. That's why I've chosen to blog anonymously, because I feel like I can be much more honest about what I'm thinking and feeling this way.

I like that, for the first time in my life, I'm writing publicly (albeit anonymously). It's great that what I write can be read by others who are free to comment about what I say and give me their own unique insights. It's also great that I am able to read what other people write on their own blogs. I don't know why it took me so long to get blogging.


Anonymous said...

Hi Muser,
Yes, it is great and we are happy to have you

Kookaburra said...

Welcome to my world. :)
The word blog is a contraction of WEB LOG. Butyou probably knew that already. The best thing to do is just to have fun. Yes it's fine to blog anonymously.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Neelima,

Do you have a blog I might be able to read? I tried searching for your name but didn't come up with anything.