Saturday, June 5, 2010

Back. And Forward.

After an absence of two years (more or less to the day - I didn't quite feel like making a post yesterday on the two year anniversary of my last post) I am back. As for what happened in the interim: I will fill in the blanks along the way in future posts.

When I made my last post I had just started a four-month working holiday in the US. It was a tiring, fun, eventful and memorable summer and I returned to Australia in October of 2008 feeling like I needed to start doing something with my life. I didn't want to let the usual post-travel depression and subsequent rut set it. And, for once, I didn't.

For a long time I forgot about this blog. For the first few months I literally forgot about it. Like completely forgot that I used to write it. I guess being out of the habit of writing daily let the idea slip from my mind. And then later, when I did remember, I chose not to go back to writing it. I think that was partly because I felt that dwelling on the past was not going to be constructive for me and I knew that, inevitably, I would just use it as a way to bring myself down. That was one thing I really was good at. Also, I sort of felt like I didn't have anything interesting to say anymore.

Not so long ago, I re-read all the posts I had made and tentatively decided to resume posting -- at least semi-regularly -- on the two year anniversary of the last post I made. Enough time has passed and I feel like I am ready to start writing again.

Here goes.

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