Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I just turned the computer on, logged in to Blogger, got distracted and began looking at other people's blogs and then almost turned the computer off, completely forgetting that the reason I turned it on in the first place was to post on my own blog.

Nothing too deep to talk about tonight, just that I'm still not sure about the internet dating thing. I've sent a couple of e-mails and expressed interest in a couple of people but I'm not really sure what to make of it yet. I have no idea how, if I'm given the opportunity, I'm going to handle actually meeting someone in person. It's not too difficult to send someone an e-mail because you are practically in complete control of the situation. But meeting face to face means butterflies and sweaty palms and all that other stuff that gets in the way of making a good impression. I think I'm almost glad I don't have to worry about that just yet.


kylie said...

hey, i do that, too...start reading other blogs and forget to post :)

Kookaburra said...

I too forget to post.
You mentioned in your previous post that one way of making a fresh start was to cut your hair.
If that's what it takes to start to feel good about yourself it's a good thing :)
How's the internet dating coming along? Pardon me for being presumptuous; but I reckon you should steer clear of internet dating. If you remain positive you'll find a girl in no time.

Have a great weekend, Muser.

Kookaburra said...

Hi Muser,

I am at home this weekend watching the Formula 1 motor racing on TV.

I have tagged you please see my blog for the rules.

Cheers, Mark.