1. Grab the nearest book of 123 pages or more.
2. Open it to page 123.
3. Find the first 5 sentences and write them down.
4. Then invite 5 friends to do the same.
This isn't the book I'm reading right at the moment but one I read a little while ago. I don't read a lot of fiction anymore and this book is one of a few of the biographies I have read in the last year or so. Incidentally, I think all the biographies I've read recently have been about film-makers.
It's Only A Movie - Alfred Hitchcock, A Personal Biography, by Charlotte Chandler (p123):
"I can't believe I was ever that thin."
This was Joan Fontaine's comment on just having seen herself in Rebecca, fifty years after she had starred with Laurence Olivier in the Hitchcock film. We were having dinner at New York City's Le Cirque restaurant with ICM's Milton Goldman, her agent and friend.
"What's your most striking memory of Rebecca?" Goldman asked.
"That's it," she said, "I can't believe I was ever so naive. And so skinny."
Done. One little extra tidbit: for all the great movies Alfred Hitchcock made, despite being nominated for the Best Director Academy Award five times, he never won an Oscar for directing. And only one of his films scored the Best Picture Oscar - Rebecca; that's a film most people probably haven't even heard of, let alone seen.
I seem to recall that all the other bloggers I know (and there aren't that many of them) have already been tagged so I won't tag anyone else. At least, I won't tag anyone else via this blog. But maybe I'll tag a few people as my non-anonymous self...
Hi Muser,
Thanks for participating. Alfred Hitchcock was a master at his craft and I enjoy his movies. I have a biography of Bob Hope - A Life in Comedy, by William Robert Faith.
I will do a post about that "one day".
you're just not allowed to leave tantalising comments like that. "non anonymous self" IT'S NOT FAIR
Hey Mark,
I don't know too much about Bob Hope so I look forward to reading your post when 'one day' rolls around. I'm going to get so much done that very same day. What a coincidence.
Hola Kylie,
What's so unfair about a comment about my non-anonymous self? lol
Okay, since you asked I'll tell you who I really am. My name is Eric Bana. But don't tell anyone...
hey eric,
i havent seen any pics of you with long hair?
isn't it ola?
i dunno
i learnt a spanish tongue twister once, interesting.
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