Saturday, February 9, 2008


Falling asleep at eight-thirty on a Saturday night is a sure sign you're tired. I've just woken up at around ten o'clock after accidentally dozing off about an hour and a half ago.

I gave both the house and the dog back to their owner today and now I'm back home until next time I'm due to house-sit for someone. Incidentally, that was supposed to be right now. Another friend was due to go away with her family for a few days and asked if I could mind her dogs, cats, fish, etc., while she was gone but at the last minute her plans changed. In a way I'm glad I don't have to look after more animals right now because I just feel like being at home for a couple of days and relaxing. And I've already started doing that - as evidenced by my falling asleep very early on Saturday evening, the party night of the week.

Just out of curiosity, what did everyone else do with their Saturday night? Anything fun?


kylie said...

hey babe, my sat nites are tragic. i could write you an essay.....but i'll spare ya. i ironed!
i think your bro is's about birthplace....go the blues...what am i saying, i dont even care about football. can you tell this is just train of thought? how slack

Cece said...

Well, here in the US it is Saturday night, right now. I am sitting in front of my computer browsing. I have made a deal with myself. I clean a room and then come browse for 30 monutes or so. Then clean another room. My boys are watching television and eating me out of house and home. And the dog is begging for attention that she has yet to receive. I hope you get a lot of rest. Take care.