Thursday, January 3, 2008

Warning: Savage Monkeys

Today I visited a friend - someone who isn't as-good-as-married but instead is actually married - and her three little girls. The eldest daughter is four and quite a strong-willed four year old she is. I went to school with her mother and have known this particular little miss since she was born. My friend always laughs at me when I come around because I'm generally the only person her children can boss around. Even her dogs think they're higher than I am in the social hierarchy.

That doesn't really bother me much and I'm happy to sit there and keep the little ones amused. I suppose at the very least it keeps them out of their mother's hair for a while. Today the eldest flexed her imagination as only a four year old can and made up knock-knock jokes while pretending to read me a book which, judging by the cover, was actually a story about some kind of swamp monster. I didn't find the jokes very funny - mainly because they didn't really make sense but perhaps that's just because I'm not four years old - but her enthusiasm in delivering them was enough to make me laugh. With that in mind, I'm no comedy guru so maybe she can get a gig somewhere; non sequitur humour seems popular right now.

She had been given some sea monkeys for Christmas and after she patiently listened to my ridiculous questions about how many bananas they eat each day and whether or not they like to climb trees she took me by the hand and led me towards the small plastic tank in her room. As we were walking into her room, in a moment where she perfectly personified childish innocence and imagination she looked up at me and quite matter-of-factly said, "I'm holding your hand so I can look after you. I haven't fed them yet and I think they might be hungry." With that fresh in my mind I didn't kick up too much of a fuss when she cheated outrageously at Hungry, Hungry Hippos by picking up the balls with her free hand and throwing them down the throat of her pink hippo.

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