Saturday, May 17, 2008


My computer is dead. And if that wasn't bad enough, the problem is a failed hard drive. That means all the photos I've taken and all the various pieces of writing I've done over the past few, I hate to say it, years have disappeared into oblivion. Let that be a lesson to anyone who reads this: back-up all your stuff. I've been meaning to back everything up for months and months just in case something like this happened but I never actually got around to it. I won't make that mistake again.

Luckily I still do the majority of my writing (what little writing I actually do) the old-fashioned way and my numerous scribble-filled notebooks and folders full of scraps of paper were in no way affected by the technical glitch that struck down my computer. All my digital photos weren't so lucky. But I guess that's just one of those things.

In addition, having no computer meant relying on friends' computers to check my e-mail and, since no-one I know in the real world knows about my blog, I haven't risked posting from any computer other than my own. Having now temporarily borrowed a computer until mine can be reanimated I figure I'd better be true to my word and actually keep posting on this blog of mine, if only so that I can say that I did.

My travel plans are very nearly set in concrete and if all things go to plan I should be arriving on US soil in less than two weeks. In other news, I've noticed a real, measurable change in how I've been feeling these last few weeks. It's a change for the better. I'll explore than in a future post.